The anatomy of an [email] ad: Cutter & Squidge

Mother’s Day is a difficult time of the year for me—as it is for many others. For all the years I’ve spent living in the UK, I’ve had a regular reminder of my loss that hits me two-fold; once on the first Sunday in May, when the vast majority of the world acknowledges the role mum’s play in our society, and then again on Mother’s Day in the UK, which is typically observed pre-Easter.

While it doesn’t get easier with the passing of time, there are rare moments when an empathetic brand message empowers you to have a moment of respite. For that reason I salute you Cutter & Squidge. In what has been the strangest of 12-months, when we’ve never had a greater need for mindfulness, this London-based small bakery business put a smile on my face. Please support them if you can.

Thank you.


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